Does your resin keep changing?

Does your resin keep changing?


Let's face it, the job of a contractor is tough enough without the added curveball of unreliable materials. If you're in the resin game, then you know exactly what we're talking about. Ever experienced that sinking feeling when you realise the resin you’re working with isn’t behaving as it should? That’s not how it should be. A change in your resin can lead to a whole bunch of complications that you don't need. Consistency matters, and we’re here to tell you why.

The Pitfalls of Unpredictable Resin

Imagine this: you start your project, full of enthusiasm, and why not? You’ve done this a million times before. You mix your resin expecting it to behave as usual. But then it doesn't. The curing time seems longer, the texture is off, and before you know it, your project isn't coming together as it should. This isn't just frustrating, it can hit you where it hurts - in your pocket and your reputation. These are risks none of us can afford to take. Unpredictable resin can turn a routine job into a nightmare. Let's face it, when resin changes its game, it can leave you in a tricky spot.

Not All Resin is Created Equal: The Reality in the Market

Now, here comes the bit that might sting a little: Not all suppliers are as reliable as they should be. Some of the resin on the market just isn't up to scratch. Yes, we're talking about resin that isn't BBA approved. So, what's the big deal with that, you might ask? The truth is, non-BBA approved products could mean a whole heap of trouble. Unpredictable quality, sub-par performance, and worst of all, inconsistency that can throw your project off course. Choosing a resin that isn't BBA approved is like taking a spin on a roulette wheel - you're gambling with your project, your time, and your reputation. And we think you deserve better.

The Exo Promise: BBA Approved Resin Only

Now, let's talk about something that'll put a smile back on your face: Exo Supplies. We're proud to say that all our resin is BBA approved, no exceptions. That's our promise to you. What does this mean? Well, when you use our resin, you're guaranteed consistency, quality, and top-notch performance every single time. Our Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved formula has been designed to bind a wide range of dried aggregates together, creating a flawless, light-stable flooring that stands the test of time. It's ideal for a variety of external applications, including driveways, paths, patios, and parks. So, no more surprises, just reliable results you can trust.

Product Spotlight: Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved

Let's dive deeper into why our Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved kit is the star of the show. Developed specifically for creating light-stable aggregate flooring, this two-part aliphatic polyurethane kit is your ultimate ally for any resin-bound surfacing project.

Here are some of the key features that make Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved stand out:

  • UV Resistance: One of the biggest selling points of our Leeson Resin is its UV resistance. It's an aliphatic resin, which means it doesn't yellow or discolour when exposed to sunlight. So, whether you're working on a light-coloured driveway or a sunny patio, your work retains its colour for years to come.
  • BBA Approved: When you see the BBA seal, you know you're getting a product that's been rigorously tested and meets the highest industry standards. Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved is no exception. This ensures that you're investing in a resin that delivers consistent quality and durable results.
  • Easy Mix Design: The mix design for our Leeson Resin is straightforward and easy to follow. For the 7.5kg kit, we recommend 75kgs of 2-5mm aggregates, 25kgs of 1-3mm aggregates, and 6.25kgs of sand. This gives you a total of 106.25kgs, or about 7.06% resin, which is ideal for most applications.
  • Coverage: This resin offers excellent coverage — approximately 4.0m2 at a depth of 15mm and 3.55m2 at 18mm. This makes planning and pricing your projects easier and more efficient.
  • Ideal for Experienced Installers: Our Leeson Resin UV BBA Approved is recommended for use by experienced installers. This isn't a DIY product — it's a professional-grade resin designed to deliver professional-grade results. We also recommend the use of an accelerator/catalyst to ensure even, consistent curing at temperatures below 15°C.

Remember, our experienced team is always ready to assist you if you have any questions or need further guidance.

In the next section, we'll extend a call to action to all contractors, emphasising the importance of quality and consistency in their resin-bound surfacing projects.

A Call to Action for Contractors

So, the next time you're reaching for that tub of resin, think about this: Do you really know what's in it? With Exo Supplies, you know exactly what you're getting: Quality, consistency, and reliability. Isn't it time you made the switch to BBA approved resin? We're here to help you make the best choice for your business. Our experienced team is always ready to assist with your questions and guide you through our products. So why not give us a ring on 02922 742000 or pay us a visit at Exo Supplies Ltd, Unit 4, Ipswich Rd, Cardiff, CF23 9AQ.

Let's ensure your next project is a cracking success, not a cracking disappointment. Choose Exo. Choose quality.

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